sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

Learning the Owner-Builder side of building

There are different ways you can change into the future; one of them is having a better home.

Today, being an owner-builder has become a very interesting way of learning how to build a better home/place for you and your family while reducing the investment needed to do so. And that savings could go to having a bigger home, new furniture or having new plans.

Leeza and Matt Sipek have become specialists in the owner builder arena and back in 2012 Leeza and co-author Hazel Foote launched the first series of their book the Owner-Builder in Australia. In December 2015 they launched their second book in the series The American Owner-builder, which has already become a best seller.

Join me for this episode of ‘Performing at Your Best’ as we learn about this changing way of building your own house. Click HERE!

 About Leeza Sipek

Leeza shares her experience working as a State Sales Manager, Sales Consultant and Owner Builder x3 in the residential project building industry for over 10 years. With her husband Matthew and two children they have saved thousands of dollars in owner building their homes. Leeza alongside Hazel Foote, co-wrote their first book The Owner Builder in Australia in 2012 and early December their first book in the US called the  American Owner Builder , which has become a best-selling book.

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