lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Let’s talk about SALES!

SALES is everything: for us, our products, for our company or for anything we do. 

We need to always be selling and we do it consciously and unconsciously. Do you know your ABC's? There is a saying which indicates that we need to ‘Always be Closing’, and it refers to closing the sale. This is why you always need to be learning your ABC's.

We need to know who our target is; who our audience is; and then have a plan and a strategy for our marketing program and our sales processes. As we do this, we need to understand our customers, what the market needs and the value our products and services provide. This is a key element of business success!

And we need constant training on sales, whether we are experienced salesperson or we are just starting. 

As we learn and improve our marketing, we will be creating new campaigns, work on our brands, do continuous sales training, implement a better marketing plan, learn and develop the sales strategies that work and a develop a customer loyalty program based on all our growth.

Join us in this new episode of ‘Performing at Your Best’ as we talk on the importance is having a sales strategy and program for our business. Click on the following link to listen: A Conversation on SALES: Click HERE!

To your increased performance!

Luis Vicente Garcia


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