lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Creating Magic in Your Company!

MAGIC: What an incredible word!

Creating Magic means creating an illusion of some sort; bringing it into reality requires dedication, effort and Action.

This is what business owners, executives and managers have to do on a daily basis.

Whether you are in manufacturing, finance, HR, IT or any other area in your organization, you need to become a source of inspiration and motivation to your co-workers and team members. 

The company as a whole relies on us to guide it; give purpose and meaning. As we do, we start implementing new ideas and concepts that will allow the company and our team to grow. You need to generate ideas and new thoughts; create new concepts and develop new leaders. Being an entrepreneur allows you to discover your talents, skills and your potential. And it allows you to discover the talents and skills of your Team Members as well.

During the course of the show 'Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution' we have touched upon many different elements that combines, create MAGIC in our Companies!

To your increased Performance,

Luis Vicente Garcia

sábado, 23 de enero de 2016

Empowering your TEAMs for Success!

EMPOWERMENT! A word many use but few people approach in the right way. Empowering your people means to enable, to permit. When used in the context of your Teams, it means giving them the ability to grow, decide, and act. By empowering you influence, guide, help, mentor and allow creativity and innovation in many ways.
Your most important asset is your staff – but here is a question for you: are you using their full potential? Could your business benefit from a better, stronger, more inspired team?
You need to create an environment where you and your company are passionate about people development. This is what MPOWERMENT LTD. creates through unique and memorable team building events designed to motivate and empower your staff.
Join me as I interview Tosin: Listen HERE

Tosin brings over 14+ years experience in Personal Development, Sales and Leadership within a range of organizations.
Tosin's experience and passion lies in helping individuals and organizations improve their performance through staff awareness, motivation and communication. Tosin has a passion and energy, which inspires and encourages employees to believe in themselves and understand that anything is possible with the right mindset and dedication. He works as a skillful NLP Trainer, Facilitator and Coach.

Tosin now heads up Mpowerment Ltd conducting Performance Improvement Trainings for corporate clients along with running Empowerment Activities (Board Breaking, Bar Bending, Arrow Breaking Fire-walking and Glass walking) Instructor Trainings and 1-1 Coaching.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

A Go-Giver conversation with Bob Burg!

Are you a Go-Giver? A Go-getter? Or are you those who are simply a go-taker?

In this radio show it was my real pleasure to interview an amazing person and author Mr. Bob Burg. 

Mr. Burg and John David Mann wrote an incredible Parable which they called ‘The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea’; and during the interview we had a very nice conversation on the same the date in which the book's new expanded edition was launched in the market, on Oct 06, 2015.

It is how you see your business, how you give without expecting, how you see others, how you learn to be a better person and professional in every sense. In summary, how you give and add value!

In the authors’ words:

“Shifting your focus from getting to giving, that is, to focus on constantly and consistently providing value to other people’s lives, is not only a nice way to live life but a financially profitable way, as well.

You might already be doing that. If that is the case, no need to change your game. More often than not, however, it seems that giving comes with an agenda. The true spirit of giving (yes, even in business) is to give without attachment to receiving. 

This does not mean giving without expecting to receive… You give because you truly enjoy giving. You give because it’s who you are, and because it’s who you are, it’s what you do. When you do that, great and magnificent results will begin to occur.”

Join us on this incredible radio show on 'Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution' and Listen HERE as I interview author Bob Burg on this incredible occasion.

To your Increased Performance!

Luis Vicente Garcia

sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

How to use EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE in your Business Today!

Ever since Emotional Intelligence came into existence as a field, we have been able to better understand how to mix our knowledge with our emotions. 

This means that now we know how to use the knowledge of our team members and put them to work for their benefit as well to increase the performance of our companies.

Emotional Intelligence has been described as the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. It can be understood as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance, as proposed by Daniel Goleman.

Join me on this new episode of ‘Performing at your Best’ as Margarita Pasos and I talk about the importance of Emotional Intelligence and how to use it in your company to improve many aspects of your business from the performance of your teams to the designing of your new future.

To your increased Performance

Luis Vicente Garcia

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Leadership and Management!

Leaders and Managers alike are confronted with similar issues; one of the biggest differences is how they anticipate, react and implement their decisions. 

What you know and how to use it is an integral part of doing a great job. 

Being a manager or a leader is not an easy task: when you have to be both: it is a much harder and more interesting job. This is what business owners and entrepreneurs do day in and day out.

Want to find out what the best practices you can use? Join us on our Episode #17 of the radio show ‘Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution’ as we discuss this interesting subject where we relate the importance of Leadership and Management!.

To your increased Performance,

Luis Vicente Garcia

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

An initial conversation on LEADERSHIP!

Leadership has been defined as "the ability to guide, direct or lead a group of people."

Of course this definition does not even tell us all that we need to know about Leadership but the importance issue and idea is that it relates to people, to our teams. 

When we talk about Leaders many incredible people come to mind and we start to think about the companies that are doing amazing things. 

Thus, Leadership is a critical element that helps any person become someone who empowers, guides and inspires their team. A Leader is a person who has already decided to be a change factor, to be a change agent. Combining these two elements will differentiate you as a motivational individual.

Join me as we start to describe the importance of Leadership to our personal and professional lives. To listen Click HERE.

And design your excellent Leadership Style while performing at Your Best.

Luis Vicente Garcia

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Entrepreneurship in a Changing Environment!

Entrepreneurship is crucial for the future growth and development of any country or society. But, how do you embark on an entrepreneurial initiative when and where not all conditions allow you to do it? 

It requires preparation, planning, dedication, determination, vision, creativity and many more innovative ideas. How do you do that? Looking for the opportunities you have and creating many more. 

As you become an entrepreneur, you need to identify your market, create your products and services, train your team, and be very flexible. As a professional we all learn the value of hard work. And in doing so, many of us have switched careers to finance, marketing and other areas or decided to become entrepreneurs. 

Join me as I interview Felipe Lemmo, CEO of who for the past six years has worked on creating a new web based insurance platform that will serve the Latin American market.

Felipe Lemmo is an experienced professional with a strong background in Marketing and a sound experience as General Manager, managing businesses in different countries of Latin America. 

He was in charge of the successful introduction of Gatorade in Latin America and currently is the Co-Founder and CEO of a multi-latin initiative that today is present in Venezuela and Colombia.

And keep improving your Performance!

Luis Vicente Garcia

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Learn from your travels! on 'Performing at Your Best'

Learning is one of the best, more beautiful and more powerful activities we can do. 

Travelling is another great and beautiful activity we can all do.

Now, combine the following ingredients:
1. a learning process, and
2. the idea generating process it creates, with 
3. travelling

You can make incredible combinations out of these three different activities. 

When you mix all of them with your adventures and experiences, you can create MAGIC in many fronts: what you see, hear, read; the people you meet; the local flavors and tastes; the conversations you engage; the ideas you generate and the dreams that start to follow.

Join me as we talk about the Magic of Travelling as we learn and generate new and incredible ideas!

To your increased performance,

Luis Vicente

jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

Entrepreneurship and Education will guide you towards Success!

In this interesting conversation, I interviewed Adriana Gonzalez, President of Cámara de Empresarios Latinos de Houston.

Our focus was: How do we combine entrepreneurship and education? The reality is that one is integral part of the other. 

Entrepreneurship is creativity, ideas and innovation put together with the skills and knowledge combined with the action taking initiatives to pursue your dreams. Education then, whether formal or informal, in class or through our experiences, helps build the entrepreneurial spirit we all need.

Join me on this episode of 'Performing at Your Best' as Adriana Gonzalez and I talk about the importance of both, education and entrepreneurship, and how being a member of your chamber (commercial, educational or entrepreneurial) can do wonders to you and your business. To listen to our show Click HERE 

To your increasing Performance,

Luis Vicente Garcia

lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Let’s talk about SALES!

SALES is everything: for us, our products, for our company or for anything we do. 

We need to always be selling and we do it consciously and unconsciously. Do you know your ABC's? There is a saying which indicates that we need to ‘Always be Closing’, and it refers to closing the sale. This is why you always need to be learning your ABC's.

We need to know who our target is; who our audience is; and then have a plan and a strategy for our marketing program and our sales processes. As we do this, we need to understand our customers, what the market needs and the value our products and services provide. This is a key element of business success!

And we need constant training on sales, whether we are experienced salesperson or we are just starting. 

As we learn and improve our marketing, we will be creating new campaigns, work on our brands, do continuous sales training, implement a better marketing plan, learn and develop the sales strategies that work and a develop a customer loyalty program based on all our growth.

Join us in this new episode of ‘Performing at Your Best’ as we talk on the importance is having a sales strategy and program for our business. Click on the following link to listen: A Conversation on SALES: Click HERE!

To your increased performance!

Luis Vicente Garcia