sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

SMILE you way to Success!

SMILE your way to Success. Probably too many ideas came to mind when I wrote the name for this radio show. Change Your Smile and Change your Life? From Smiling to Success? Smile for Success? 

Every one of them was very appropriate as it is all in our Mindset, our Positive Attitude.

I met Dr. Tomas Seif over 30 years ago. Yes he is a dentist and also an entrepreneur. How do you go from learning one skill at the university to leading an entire organization of professionals and having success along the way? By doing what you are passionate about. 

Understanding that your attitude is a key determinant of your entire life and eventually your personal and professional success will affect everything you do, and even hanging your smile.

This is what Tomas does for his patients and he has a really incredible approach to do it. Join us in this exciting program with Dr. Tomas Seif DDS and SMILE your way to Success! Listen HERE.

About Tomas Seif, DDS

Dr. Seif obtained his DDS degree at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1989 and his Master of Science degree in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Michigan School of dentistry, USA in 1992. He is founder and former president of the “Venezuelan Academy of Esthetic Dentistry” and an active member of the “International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry”.

As an entrepreneur he founded and is the director of the “Venezuelan Institute for dental updating” and later found “Noronquesmas” a dental service for treating snoring and sleep apnea.

Dr. Seif lectures extensively both nationally and internationally having presented lectures in the main programs of the most important dental academies around the globe. He is regularly invited as professor in Venezuelan dental schools. He has edited and co-authored several textbooks in dentistry, some of which are used as textbooks at different universities.

His Private practice is dedicated exclusively to restorative dentistry and esthetics in Caracas, Venezuela. Visit: Tomas Seif Facebook Page

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Escape from Your Fears! A conversation with Michelle Poler

When you decide to start an important quest, there will certainly be many questions on your head. Could I do it? Will I fail? Will I succeed? Am I able to? How will I?

When I met Michelle Poler after her TEDx Talk at the University of Houston, TX, she had already embarked on what became her life project: Facing her Fears. And for her it has been transformational.

How many fears do you have? Do you know? Are you doing something about them?

Some may be fear of failing, being rejected or not achieving, fear of not doing things right and so many others. If you constantly think that way, you will never do many of the things you want to do and achieve.

So, if you are determined to start, learn from your failures, face your fears, and finish strong you really have to get rid of your fears, even the simpler ones. This is what Michelle has taught us: you can Escape from Your Fears. As many have found, you can be afraid even of starting and taking action.

Performance is about Action, decisiveness, being fearless. This is what we talked about in this wonderful show, one which I called 'the fearless show' and during which Michelle told us how she even started, how to understand your fears and start to face and confront them.

Click here and Join me in this incredible interview with Michelle Poler as she teaches to us about her 100 days of Fear, her new ideas and how she decided to take Action! 

Click here and Join in the Conversation!

For Michelle, that new idea turned '100 days without fear' into her new project "HELLO FEARS" that you can visit at: Hello Fears 

About Michelle Poler: originally from Caracas, Venezuela, is a graduate from the School of Visual Arts holding a master's degree in Branding. A few months ago, she quit her job as an Art Director to develop what started as a school project and turned into a life-changing experience.
Earlier this year, Michelle decided to face all of her fears and record herself for her project 100 Days Without Fear. She planned to become a braver person by the end of the 100 days, what she didn’t plan was to inspire millions along the way.

Please visit Michelle's links at: Hello fears FB page and Michelle's  Hello Fears YouTube page

And as always, have an excellent and a very successful week!

Luis Vicente Garcia

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

‘Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution’: Celebrating Show #50

"Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly 
wait to get at it again." 
-- Whit Hobbs

With this beautiful quote I received this morning from a dear friend, I wake up to what will be an amazing day (as most are and should be). Today we are celebrating an incredible day as my radio show Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution on VoiceAmerica Business is reaching its first big milestone: I will be LIVE at 6 pm EDT this afternoon to celebrate our show #50.

It has been an incredible journey as I had never been a radio host before and one that I have truly enjoyed; particularly learning about new subjects on performance and mindset, and learning how to interview amazing people - my guests - who have been an integral part of our success. We are now listened to in 6 continents and over 70 countries, which shows all of us that our messages are needed and welcome and as such I would like to give a huge thanks to all of my listeners who week after week join us live or on demand to find out new ideas and insights that will allow them to grow and learn.

So to all of you, my incredible guests, the listeners all over the world and to the amazing VA Team, my most sincere thanks of appreciation for having shared with me and our audience your incredible thoughts, ideas, tips, suggestions and most of all your knowledge, which has been and will be the source of their new ideas, rides and journeys.

To all of you, my dear friends, my most sincere thanks and appreciation as I invite you to join us in this wonderful month long celebration of mindset and performance celebration.

Luis Vicente  

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Become a Corporate Athlete; a conversation with Sheena Walker and Luis Vicente Garcia

What are the key habits of top athletes and performers? 

When you identify the key elements that define successful people and teams we need to relate our corporate world to sports. Athletes work on developing a plan and a strategy that will take them to become champions, to see themselves on the podium. 
They work on "Peak Performance".

This is what we also need to do in our organizations. From HR to IT to Finance or sales we all want a winning team with top performers. In many cases we need to help them grow into what Sheena Walker calls ‘The Corporate Athlete’. A person who is successful and who  has developed positive and successful habits and in doing so, changed their mindset and attitude. This is the concept of performance related to understanding how you and your team can generate positive results.

Join me in this very interesting conversation with coach Sheena Walker, from Scotland, as we define the key elements to become a Top Performers and an excellent Corporate Athlete: Click here to LISTEN!

Sheena Walker, the Champion Maker
Sheena Walker is a globally renowned performance consultant who takes Olympic winning strategies and helps you to apply them to your career, business, and your life. Shes a highly respected Business-Development Professional, and an International Speech Coach, who speaks on Performance Management & Performance Coaching, Public Speaking Training, Leadership HR and personal success related topics.

Sheena is passionate about helping new and established firms break their performance boundaries by using her seasoned performance-development techniques, which will help accelerate ones success. Her passion, focus, and enthusiasm for Super Performance Solutions will address your business challenges and champion individual and team performance.

She has a rare and unique background as an athlete and as a performance coach in sport, while she has and continues to be mentored by the worlds leading figures and pioneers in the realm of Business and Public Speaking.

Here is to your increased Performance.

Luis Vicente Garcia

For more information on these and other programs please contact us at coachluis@luisvicentegarcia.com