sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015

A Year of Performing at Your Best!

As we come to the end of the year, I have to thank so many people that have made my radio show a Success! 

When we started to think about it, Winston and Jeff from the Voice America Radio Network helped me create many incredible parts, such as the banners, the links, setting up the page, coming up with the Bio and creating the show’s name and page. And it has been an amazing year. You can hear all of the shows on the Voice America Business Channel at Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution with Luis Vicente Garcia

Our first show was on June 2nd so as we close the year we have already done 32 shows. And the audio and technical people at VoiceAmerica have been incredible. Many thanks to all.

I have done several shows on my own and I have had the most amazing guests. I interviewed my dear friends Margaret Maclay and Joan Detz; I interviewed incredible authors as Bob Burg and business colleagues as Ramon Palmero, Abel Calvo, Margarita Pasos, Tosin Ogunussi, Marc Kohler, and Dr. Andreas Boettcher. All are great friends, and they have shared with us and the incredible listeners that week after week join us from several parts in the world, amazing tips, new business ideas and they always give us this new perspective that we need to have in order to succeed in this fast changing world.

It has an incredible year of new and wonderful experiences. And as my final post of the year in this blog I wanted to share my top-5 shows as reviewed by our listeners:

All of the shows and interviews were incredible. Thank you so much to my incredible guests; and most of all thank you to the VoiceAmerica TEAM who have been so wonderful through out the year and to the listeners who are the ones that make this happen.

To all, my best wishes for a wonderful 2016 filled with joy, happiness, new opportunities and many learning experiences.

And have a wonderful and a very successful year!

Luis Vicente Garcia

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Let's talk about GOALS

There is a famous quote that says:
"Success equals GOALS; everything else is commentary.”
Goals have been the subject of study for many years and they have been used since ancient times. Today everyone must have a goal, from students, to managers, to sports coaches, to business owners. 

This is why understanding what GOALS are, how to use and implement them is critical to the Success of any organization. From non-for-profit hospitals, to universities, small and medium business and large corporations the use of GOALS to understand where we are going is critical.

In this program we learn some ideas on goals and how to set them, realizing that goals have to be S.M.A.R.T and positive. Remember that ‘Goals in writing are dream with deadlines’

Join us as we discover the interesting world of possibilities and opportunities that will come from your GOALS! To listen to our show Click HERE to Learn about GOALS!

And keep Performing at Your Best!

Luis Vicente Garcia

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Communication and Motivation - Key factors for Business Success, with Margaret Maclay and Luis Vicente Garcia

Executives, managers and business owners need to understand how motivation, emotional knowledge and behavioral styles are the key factors that drive your business performance. 

We have to apply emotional and behavioral intelligence to become more effective leaders, which will lead us to identify the most productive and valuable use of time; develop the most efficient and cost-effective operations; and increase profitability. 

For this new show I interviewed Margaret Maclay, CEO of Maclay Associates and Director of the FocalPoint Coaching Assessment Center. Margaret has been a FocalPoint Coach since 2007 and has over 25 years of US and International Experience.

Business Excellence is a term that is been used in today’s business environment but at the same time, Margaret and I have come up with the concept of ‘Business Magic’: a very simple yet extremely changing method of understanding five important concepts: 

-motivation (workplace motivators) 
-acumen (EQ) 
-getting feedback (360's) 
 I -intelligence (SSI) 
-communication style (DISC) 

Learning these tools will allow you to get ahead of your competition and improve the performance of yourself, your teams and your companies.

In other words, start creating Business Magic Business MAGIC!!

And keep increasing your excellent Performance.

Luis Vicente Garcia

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

A conversation with Joan Detz on Public Speaking

'Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution' Program #8: 
An amazing interview with Ms. Joan Detz. 

Public Speaking has become one of the best skills every professional needs to acquire in order to succeed in any art, business or venture. 

Leaders from all sorts of life and professions are now relying on improving their public speaking abilities in order to communicate better while influencing and impacting others in a better way. Public speaking is an art in itself, as we all need to improve and learn effective ways to communicate orally with any audience.  

On July 21, 2015 I had the pleasure of interviewing renowned coach, author, and international speaker Joan Detz. 

Joan is the author of four successful books on public speaking, including “How to Write & Give a Speech”, which the Washington Post praised as “a how-to classic”, and which is now in its 30th anniversary edition.  The book was translated into Spanish and published in Spain under the title 'Cómo Escribir y Pronunciar un Discurso'. Since 1984, Joan has run her own speaker services coaching leaders worldwide.

Public Speaking has a direct impact in your business success. As you learn how to communicate better, develop your very own speaking abilities. Many books have been written about public speaking and in this episode you will learn tips, insights, ideas and incredible suggestions directly from Speaking Coach Joan Detz. 

Join us to learn how Public Speaking will have a very positive impact in your personal and professional life: Listen HERE

And continue your road to Perform at Your Best!

Luis Vicente Garcia

Creating a strategic planning process to long-term success!

Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution Show #7

Strategy is an integral part of how companies operate, create new products and services and prepare for their future. Having a sound strategy, aligned with your Vision and Mission is key to your success. 

Any company, big or small, that wants to grow strong needs to plan and to prepare in advance; and in the process, having a long term strategy can make the difference.

In this show I interviewed Ramon Palmero, strategy consultant with whom I talked on the methodology he uses to bring universal concepts to your strategic planning process.  He showed us the importance of understanding where you are headed to - the Vision and Mission - with what winning looks like for you, how you can describe success, and what values and operating principles need to guide your company and decisions.

Our guest Ramon Palmero, President and Founder of STEFERI (www.STEFERI.com), is a highly accomplished leader with 25 years broad-scoped in depth experience in the fields of Finance, Marketing and New Business Development (M&A), covering the Americas, at top-notch multinational organizations, as well as mid-sized entrepreneurial businesses.   

Join us to learn the importance of implementing your strategy into your companies and Listen to our show HERE.

And keep Performing at Your Best!

Luis Vicente Garcia

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Perform at Your Best through Empowering you TEAM

We all know we cannot do things alone or at least is more difficult. This is why Team Work has been transformed into an art by itself. 

Leaders who get their teams to work together and effectively, oriented and focused to the same Vision and Goals will achieve more.

In this episode of Performing at Your Best we started talking about the importance of TEAMS, and how to improve and motivate them.

A very old African Proverb says:

"If you want to Go Fast, Go Alone;
If you want to go FAR, Go Together"

Some key words for you to remember: Goals, Teamwork, TEAMS, Empowerment, Vision and Performance. If you want to know how to get your team to work together and to Empower them: Listen HERE  

And keep Performing at Your Best.

Luis Vicente Garcia

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Performing to Succeed!

How we define our vision and future determines where we will go; however, by deciding how we will be performing will show us how we will get there. 

Life is full of decisions and when we decide to combine our attitude with our motivation, to be focused, to define our goals and to perform in an excellent way, we will achieve much more than we were prepared for.

In this show we explore very important business concepts such as Vision, Performance, Goals, and how can you better define Success.

And keep Performing at Your Best!

Luis Vicente Garcia

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

A Conversation on Franchising_with Abel Calvo

Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution, Program #4

Franchising has been since the 50’s and 60’s one of the fastest ways of growing any business in any industry. Worldwide brands use franchising as their growing formula.

In this radio show we start by understanding the basics of franchising, what it is and how it works, to understanding what is required to be a successful franchisor and franchisee.

Our guest is Abel Calvo, Executive President of PROFRANQUICIAS, the Venezuelan Franchise Chamber and we talked about franchising in general, the role of a Franchise Chamber, the current situation of the Franchising development in Venezuelan and other Latin American countries.

There are very interesting topics in Franchising, such as which are the developing stages in franchising that go from the early beginnings when foreign companies enter a local market, to the development of local companies which use franchising as their expansion business format until the final stage when local franchises enter the international arena.

Join us as we discuss franchising and the role of the Chamber on promoting its members, activities and the educational programs it has. 

And continue increasing your Performance!

Luis Vicente

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Understanding Entrepreneurship on Performing at Your Best!

How do we define a new Entrepreneur? For me Entrepreneurship is a way of Business Life. 

Entrepreneurs give energy to any economy, creating new goods and services and generating more employment opportunities.Understanding what entrepreneurs do to any economy is crucial for our growth and our future. 

In this radio show on Entrepreneurship we cover some issues about the benefits of being clear on what you want to Achieve; understanding where you are today and where you want to go; and identifying how you need to work on your VISION and MISSION statements and implementing them in your organizational Culture.

Be ready to learn what you will require to become a successful Entrepreneur in this fast changing business world.

KeywordsEntrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Vision, Mission, Performance.  

And always, be ready to Perform Better!

Luis Vicente

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Understanding Business Performance!

As we start entering into what business is, today’s show will be about the enterprise, that organization which is involved in the trade of goods and services to our consumers. There are several types of businesses which work and operate in many different industries.

However, regardless of your type and size of business or the industry you work in, you need to understand the basic concept of “Performance”. And in doing so, you need to identify and use the measurements; information and metrics that come from your daily operations. Reporting figures and metrics in the right way will allow you, the manager and business owner to take the best steps and take the right decisions for your company’s future.

Here is the link to this episode on  
Understanding Business Performance 

Enjoy it and start developing your new ideas to Perform Better.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Business Owners: Tell Your Story!

I have now understood the power of telling our stories, and now it is more important if we are business owners and entrepreneurs.

As the first show in my new Radio program - Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution with Luis Vicente Garcia - this will be an overview of who Luis Vicente Garcia is. Here I share with you my journeys and adventures, both as a person and professional; my values and beliefs in business, life and continuing education; the dedication we all need to succeed in every job you do, as a professional and as an entrepreneurship; and how I changed and evolved to become a Business Performance Coach, a best-selling author and an international Speaker.

We know we can achieve all our mind can conceive. It is true so go out, tell your story and be the true one only you can become.

Join me on my first Show on VoiceAmerica Business. June 02, 2015 and Perform at Your Best! Here is the link to our first show:

Business Owners: Tell Your Story!

To your Successful Performance!

Luis Vicente Garcia

New Radio Show 'Performing at Your Best' by Luis Vicente Garcia on Voice America Business

As a Business Performance Coach I am constantly looking for new ways to help business owners and entrepreneurs. My desire is to reach out to people who are eager to listen to a message of positive attitude and motivation in today’s busy and changing world mixed with new business ideas and insights to reach higher levels of performance.

When we combine the enthusiasm we all have with the business skills and abilities a person needs to grow, learn, prosper, they become better people and better professionals; and in the way, they are transformed into better managers and leaders.

My goal is to be able to inspire and motivate those who want to learn new managerial skills, increase their level of performance, and have a message of optimism and possibilities to motivate their teams to achieve their goals faster, leading the path to a successful journey.

Listen to Performing at Your Best, live every Tuesday at 3 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel:


Be Successful and Perform at Your Best!

Luis Vicente Garcia